Survivor Stories
Read stories directly from cancer survivors to hear about their courage, healing, and journey.
Victoria Holland
Julie Shares Her Family Experience with Tricia’s Hope
Julie (from our Board) tells how Tricia's Hope touched a family member during treatment.
Deidre Hubbard-Alsup
Deidre tells her story:
Amy Wenrick
Amy Wenrick tells her survivor story in this video.
Tricia Rausch
As a mother of 2 young children, hearing the diagnosis of cancer was even more difficult. I had to think first about my 2 (at that time) amazing...
Leon Kyles
Leon Kyles tells his survivor story in this video.
Charlene Gammon
Staying positive and active has really helped me survive, along with my caregiver and family. I always pray and I am a fighter. I’m always positive...
Christi Ummel
Growing my relationship with God is what helped me get through my treatments and is what continues to help with any fears that I face since I was...
Heather Hassenplug
When they first found cancer, it was just some cells, so I opted for a lumpectomy. It was quick and I felt a sense of relief. But I have a mutation...
Aron Thompson
I want to provide my story to help other cancer warriors in their fight as well as to say you must be an advocate for yourself as well as having a...
Debbie Woodruff
When I was blindsided by my cancer diagnosis, I was petrified. I live alone with no family near to hold my hand. All of a sudden I had a slew of new...
Sheila Hensell
Watch Sheila tell her story: During an ultrasound for a gallbladder attack in 2004, a 10cm tumor was discovered on my...